Standards & Regulation
We are committed to ensuring babies, children, young people and families receive the best possible care and support throughout the palliative care journey.
How we maintain our standards
Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC is an independent regulator of health and adult social care in England with an aim to improve and maintain better standards of care.
Read the most recent CQC reports about our hospice.
Incidents and accidents are monitored carefully and are reviewed by the organisation’s Clinical Governance Committee. Robust Health and Safety procedures are in place and regularly reviewed. This includes a comprehensive Safeguarding Strategy in which all staff are trained annually.
All members of the care team have access to relevant training, and competencies are assessed as appropriate. -
Sharing best practice
We are committed to ensuring babies, children, young people and families receive the best possible care and support throughout the palliative care journey.
As such we are always willing to share policies and practice where appropriate and to contribute to work groups, committees and initiatives across the East Midlands.Nationally we actively participate in Together for Short Lives and Hospice UK supporting work from siblings to audit, diversity and benchmarking and from user involvement and infection control to quality groups and transition.
We also regularly contribute to regional and national conferences and to publications. Staff can also occasionally act as a ‘guest speaker’ to talk about Rainbows’ services or broader palliative care issues.
To get in touch about sharing best practice, please call our Head of Quality and Governance, Anne-Marie Murkett, on 01509 283 925
Rainbows has a strong culture and awareness of safeguarding which is key to all work undertaken at both the hospice and within all associated areas and environments with children; young people; families; visitors; staff and volunteers.
Comments and Complaints
As an organisation we aim to provide the best service and care for the babies, children, young people and families we look after. However we recognise there may be times when we may not achieve this.
Fundraising Regulator
Rainbows is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, which is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising. It was established following the Etherington review of fundraising self-regulation (2015) to strengthen the system of charity regulation and restore public trust in fundraising.
If you have any comments about our fundraising activities or would like to make a complaint, please contact us.
Hearing from Rainbows
We promise to hold your data in the strictest of confidence and we will not share it with any third party.
If at any time you want to stop hearing from Rainbows, change how we contact you or what we contact you about, please call 01509 638 049 or email [email protected]
Please note, it can take up to 90-days for requested changes to come into effect.