Rainbows has a strong culture and awareness of safeguarding which is key to all work undertaken at both the hospice and within all associated areas and environments with children; young people; families; visitors; staff and volunteers.
Safeguarding at Rainbows – Respecting your rights and keeping you safe
Rainbows has a strong culture and awareness of safeguarding which is key to all work undertaken at both the hospice and within all associated areas and environments with children; young people; families; visitors; staff and volunteers.
We actively support the Six Principles of Safeguarding which are: Protection; Prevention; Partnership; Proportionate; Empowerment and Accountability.
Operating with transparency Rainbows is an organisation committed to protecting and championing human rights and encouraging a just culture where issues are quickly identified, investigated and lessons are learned.
Safeguarding responsibilities are included within all job descriptions, clinical and non-clinical at all levels; including our Trustees and Volunteers. Rainbows commitment to safeguarding is further demonstrated by employing our own Safeguarding Lead who is visible and available for 1:1 and group discussions and supervision sessions.
The recruitment of all staff, volunteers and trustees is robust and follows principles for Safe Recruiting; which include DBS checks, references, employment history and interviews.
Rainbows adheres to the Royal College of Nursing Intercollegiate Guidance for Safeguarding Competencies for all staff and The Charity Commission’s Guidance for volunteers. These ensure that all training provided is relevant to role and provides assurances that Rainbows acts appropriately in managing any safeguarding concerns. Robust governance structures are in place internally, but also with local Clinical Commissioning Groups (NHS); Local Authorities and The Care Quality Commission.
All Rainbows desktops have the NHS Safeguarding app visible to all users. This allows easy and quick access to all the processes and procedures of local authorities throughout the East Midlands and will guide you through the escalation of any concern should this be necessary.
If you have a safeguarding concern:
The safety of children, young people and adults with care or support needs are paramount.
Whilst attending Rainbows, inviting us to your home; donating or when visiting one of our shops or events, we always try to ensure that we make you (or someone you care for) feel safe and free from harm.
Our staff and volunteers will always do their best to ensure that your visit or the provision of care and support goes without incident. However; should you ever feel unsafe or an issue presents itself, please inform an appropriate member of staff as soon as possible. You will be listened to without judgement and your concern will be taken seriously.
What to do if you are concerned about a child/young person or adult who may have been abused or is at risk of abuse/harm?
When not at Rainbows:
Follow the guidance of the local Safeguarding Partnerships where the child or young person lives. See NHS Safeguarding App.
In an emergency (if at immediate risk and if a crime has been committed) contact the Police 999
For less urgent advice you can contact a relevant health, education, social care professional or the duty office or a social worker known to the child/young person or family OR
If known to Rainbows – we are a 24 hour service. If you are accessing a service or work/volunteer for Rainbows and you need advice or support over a safeguarding matter please ring : 01509 638 000 during office hours and ask to speak to a Senior Nurse /Safeguarding Lead for advice only
When at Rainbows:
Ask to speak to the Shift Coordinator, a Family Support Worker or the Hospice Safeguarding Lead
Reviewed February 2021