Palliative locations
Rainbows works in partnership with health providers across the East Midlands to ensure that the very best care and support is available for the babies, children and young people who use our services.
Working in partnership with health providers
Rainbows works in partnership with health providers across the East Midlands to ensure that the very best care and support is available for the babies, children and young people who use our services.
If you would like to contact any of these services for a child you are caring for, please see below for contact details.
Children’s Community Nursing Team
Landline telephone: Liz Wells or Nicky Brett (Royal Derby Hospital) 01332 786807
Email: [email protected]
Continuing Care Team
Landline telephone: Helen Burgess 01332 785404 and Laura Kane 01332 785225
Email: [email protected]
The Kite Team, Derby Children’s Community Nursing Team, Outreach
Outreach children’s community team caring for medical complex disability and palliative care needs of life limited children.
Landline telephone: 01332 786807
Email: [email protected]
Derby Neonatal Unit
24 bedded Unit that is part of the East Midlands Neonatal Operational Delivery Network (EMNODN) – Network of units covering Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire.
The Derby Unit cares for babies from 26 weeks gestation to term, who may require medical support in varying degrees.
Senior Nurses: Karen Sampson
Contact number: 01332 785 644
Address: University Hospitals of Derby and Burton, Derby Site, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE -
Paediatric Oncology Outreach Nursing Service
Oncology outreach nursing Service providing ongoing care, education and support to children and young people between 0-18 years diagnosed with cancer and their families.
Landline telephone: 0115 9249924 ext 65805
Email: [email protected]
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
The Diana Community Children’s Service
The Diana Community Children’s Service provides care and support for children and young people and their families requiring nursing care and support in a community setting within Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland as follows:
- Acute and Continuing Nursing Care
- Child and Family Support Service (CAFSS)
- Palliative and End of Life Care/ 24/7 on Call
- Children/Young People Macmillan Service
- Short Breaks and Continuing Care Services
- Training
- Cultural Support Worker
- Special School Nursing Team
- Respiratory Physiotherapists (Deliver Rapid Response to children with complex neuro disability, neuro muscular weakness)
Address: Diana Childrens Community Service, Bridge Park Plaza, Bridge Park Road, Thurmaston, Leicester. LE4 8P
Landline telephone: 0116 2955080 (8am – 4pm)Website: leicspart.nhs.uk/service/diana-childrens-community-service/ includes access to referral form
Email: [email protected]
Nottinghamshire Children’s Community Nurses
If a child or young person shows clinical signs of deterioration and concerns are raised about their condition then activation to the acute nursing support service can be offered. Care will then be offered 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Landline telephone: 0300 123 3387
Emergency OOH: Bleep number : 07659 507206 (only when activated on end of life)
Email: [email protected] -
Paediatric Palliative Care Nurse Specialist
Based at Nottingham Children’s Hospital.
Referrals accepted for children 0-18 ( and in utero) with life-limiting illness who have a NCH consultant.
Emotional and psychosocial support, personal resuscitation planning, discharge planning, referral to services around the child and family in the community, supporting palliative care and end of life care in the hospital, symptom management, support with wishes and choices at end of life, colleague supportLandline telephone: 0115 924 9924 x 86276
Caroline Dorsett Paediatric Palliative Care Nurse Specialist 07812 275 400 -
Paediatric Oncology Outreach Nursing Service
Oncology outreach nursing Service providing ongoing care, education and support to children and young people between 0-18 years diagnosed with cancer and their families.
Landline telephone: 0115 924 9924 ext 65805
Email: [email protected] -
Rapid Response Children’s Physiotherapy
Rapid response respiratory physiotherapy to reduce hospital admissions secondary to chest infection/facilitate earlier discharge from hospital. Available to children/young people 0-25 years who have:
- Registered with a Nottingham City / Nottinghamshire County GP
- Have severe respiratory deficit
- Have severe neurological disability
- Under the care of an Acute Consultant
Mobile telephone: 07748 987 610 / 07545 419 374 / 07966 373 860 / 07540 670 191 (8am – 5pm)
Out of Hours: 07748 987 610 (Saturdays between 1 October – 31 March; 8.30am – 4.30pm)
Email: [email protected] -
Child Bereavement Team
Nottingham Childrens Hospital – Queens Medical Centre.
Providing bereavement support following the death of a 0 – 18-year-old to families and professionals, whether the death was expected or unexpected. Pre bereavement support also provided.
Landline telephone: 0115 924 9924 x 86276
The Butterfly Project
The Butterfly Project provides comprehensive practical and emotional support to children & young people with life limiting illnesses and their families, from diagnosis to bereavement.
The project is funded by the local health authority and can provide a service in the following areas:- City of Nottingham, Gedling, Rushcliffe & Broxtowe.
What they offer:
- Support to individuals in their family homes and within the community.
- Practical help and advice along the child’s/young person’s journey in partnership with a wide range of medical professionals.
- Individual work with the child/young person in respect to hopes, fears, dreams and wishes.
- Emotional support to children/young people and families to explore and express their feelings and make informed choices around ‘end of life care’.
- Opportunities to participate in a variety of activities and have meaningful experiences.
- A range of Family days, activities and events, in response to the needs of the children, young people, their siblings and parents/carers we work with.
- A post bereavement service of two years for bereaved siblings and parents · Sibling support groups and workshops, allowing opportunity to talk about & understand their feelings and to also have some fun.
Office hours: 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
Contact: Kerry Lawson, Specialist Family Support Worker, Barnado’s Family Support Services – Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire
Email: [email protected]
Landline telephone: 0115 9255565
Fax Number: 0115 224311
Post: Oban House, 8 Chilwell Road, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1EJ
St Andrews Children’s Hospice (Andy’s)
Children’s hospice that provides day services and respite for children with long term life-limiting or threatening conditions. Also provide end of life care and bereavement support as well as a range of complementary therapies for families, service users and carers.
Landline telephone: 01472 350 908 (9am-5pm)
Mobile telephone: 01472 571 246
Emergency out of hours: 01472 571 246 (portable nurses phone)
Email: [email protected] -
Community Children’s Nursing Team
The CNN team provide advice, support and direct nursing care to infants, children and young people from birth to 18 years (19 for those with complex needs in special schools). The team facilitate early discharge and prevent repeat admission to hospital for acute, chronic and end of life needs.
Landline: 01522 573 784 (9am – 5pm)
Email: [email protected] -
Grantham Children’s Community Nurses
The CNN team provide advice, support and direct nursing care to infants, children and young people from birth to 18 years (19 for those with complex needs in special schools). The team facilitate early discharge and prevent repeat admission to hospital for acute, chronic and end of life care needs.
Landline: 01476 464 457 (9am – 5pm)
Pager number: 07659 173 782
Email: [email protected] -
Children’s Community Nurses – Boston
The CNN team provide advice, support and direct nursing care to infants, children and young people from birth to 18 years (19 for those with complex needs in special schools). The team facilitate early discharge and prevent repeat admission to hospital for acute, chronic and end of life care needs.
Landline: 01205 445 702
Pager number: 07659 591 553
Email: [email protected] -
The Specialist Family Practitioners (SFP)
The Specialist Family Practitioners (SFP) are a community based and part of the Oncology, Palliative and Bereavement Team, covering the county of Lincolnshire. We are a multidisciplinary qualified team, adhering to professional standards and codes of ethics which includes a specialist play/youth worker.
We help children, young people and their families to understand their thoughts and feelings about how they are being affected by illness and bereavement. We do this by offering emotional support, using counselling techniques and the use of therapeutic play activities encouraging children and young people to express themselves. The service enables families to talk to somebody completely impartial who is not directly involved in their care.
Landline: 01476 464 259
Mobile: 07768 615 144
email: [email protected]
Service hours: 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday -
Children’s Palliative Care Nurse Specialist and Team Leader Children’s Palliative Care / Short Breaks Team
Landline telephone: 01476 464068
Mobile telephone: 07836 239 951
Email: [email protected]
Specialist Children’s Nursing Team (North)
CCN provide support for children with long term, life limiting conditions.
Provide 24/7 oncall and visiting for end of life care on activation of the on call service.
Landline telephone: 01536 452 232 (Monday – Friday 8am-6pm) to discuss new referral for end of life care. -
Specialist Children’s Nursing Team (South)
CCN provide support for children with long term, life limiting conditions.
Provide 24/7 oncall and visiting for end of life care on activation of the on call service.
Landline telephone: 01604 523 896 (Monday to Friday 8am-6pm) to discuss new referral for end of life care