Give your threadbare sheets and faded curtains a new lease of life
We are encouraging people to donate textiles and fabrics to our shops in Matlock, Melton and Blaby where we will give them a second life.
As well donating unwanted clothes and household goods to our shops, we also want threadbare sheets, worn out towels and faded curtains.
Rainbows can give the items a new life by sending them to a recycling merchant, where they are shipped to other countries or made in to new garments.
Although each individual item may only be worth pennies, they are a valuable source of income for us. Last month, recyclable items donated to our shops in Matlock, Blaby and Melton raised £1,400 for the hospice.
Karen Bilsby, head of retail at Rainbows, said: “We are encouraging people not to throw any fabrics but to bring them to us as they are a valuable source of income. There are always things that people don’t think about donating, such as old bedding and curtains, as they feel they aren’t in a good enough condition. But anything that we can’t sell in the shop, we can recycle and turn into much needed income for Rainbows.
“We are committed to reusing and recycling as many of our donations as possible, and as well as supporting the hospice, you are helping us to be greener. Of course, as well as calling for your old textiles, we are always appealing for unwanted items of clothing and bric-a-brac, which we can sell in our shops. If people can bag their recycling separate to their unwanted goods and clothes, it will help us out immensely.”
To donate unwanted items, simply take them to a Rainbows shop or visit for more information.