Short Breaks at Rainbows provides babies, children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, time away from home meeting their holistic needs including nurse-led clinical care.

During short breaks, every child has a personal care plan that is tailored for their individual medical, emotional, cultural, religious and spiritual needs, and is delivered by an experienced and qualified multi-disciplinary team of professionals.

In addition, children can access:

  • Specialist equipment within the hospice environment including beds, acheeva bed, hoists throughout the building both track ceiling hoists and hoists that can be used anywhere in the building, different transfer aids, spa and sensory bath, supportive seating and a wheelchair accessible bike
  • Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Music Therapy and Complementary Therapies by qualified professionals
  • Activities including arts and crafts, play and music
  • Access to facilities including multisensory rooms, hydrotherapy pool, interactive IT equipment, current gaming consoles, smart speakers and landscaped gardens with accessible equipment including swings and roundabouts

To give families the opportunities to spend time together making precious memories, while allowing parents to be parents and not have to worry about being a carer; we also offer family accommodation allowing them to stay, while their child is having a short break.

For further information about short breaks, please email our Family Support Team or call 01509 638 000.