End of Life Care
Rainbows is here to support children, young people and their families at end of life.
Rainbows is here to support children, young people and their families at end of life.
What does end of life care encompass?
End of life care at Rainbows includes:
- Understanding a child, young person and families wishes in advance
- Access to an experienced and qualified multi-disciplinary team of professionals
- Development and delivery of individual care plans to include pain management and symptom control
- Space and facilities to allow for wider support networks to be involved during end of life care
- Nurse-led care to manage personal needs and physical symptoms
- Psychological care and emotional support for the child and family to cope with the complex feelings experienced around death and bereavement
- Bereavement suite where a child can stay after their death
- On-site accommodation to allow a family to stay with their child, before and after death
- Practical advice and support with funeral arrangements, registering a child’s death, liaising with other agencies
- Pre- and post-bereavement support
- Therapeutic support groups for family members
- Support and facilitation of ‘memory making’ – experiences, photographs, etc
Rainbows couldn’t change what we were going through but it could put a soothing balm around it. I also think she chose Rainbows for us. She knew we could all be together and she knew we would be looked after.