Comments & Complaints
As an organisation we aim to provide the best service and care for the babies, children, young people and families we look after. However we recognise there may be times when we may not achieve this.
As an organisation we aim to provide the best service and care for the babies, children, young people and families we look after. However we recognise there may be times when we may not achieve this.
If there are aspects of our service that you wish to comment on you will find feedback cards throughout the hospice.
Clinical complaints
Should any parent/child/young person/visitor to the hospice wish to make a complaint about any clinical aspect of the service, contact should be made with the shift co-ordinator and discussed with the Executive Nurse – Director of Clinical Operations or senior nurse on duty or put in writing to the Executive Nurse – Director of Clinical Operations, Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People, Lark Rise, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2HS or email us.
If you wish to escalate the complaint but do not wish to put it in writing, the person receiving the complaint will escalate it to a higher level on your behalf.
Non-clinical complaints
Should anyone wish to make a complaint about any non-clinical aspect of the hospice services contact should be made with the relevant department head or put in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People, Lark Rise, Loughborough, Leicestershire. LE11 2HS or email us.
If you wish to escalate the complaint but do not wish to put it in writing, the person receiving the complaint will escalate to a higher level.
Fundraising complaints
Rainbows is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, which is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising. As such we strive to adhere to the highest standards of good practice when fundraising. You can read about the Fundraising Promise on the Fundraising Regulator’s website.
If you wish to make a complaint about our fundraising or would like to share any feedback with us then please contact us by email, or call us on 01509 638 049. You can also write to us at Complaints, Supporter Relations, Rainbows Hospice, Lark Rise, Loughborough LE11 2HS
If we cannot resolve your complaint, we accept the authority of the Fundraising Regulator to make a final adjudication.
You can contact the Fundraising Regulator by calling 0300 999 3407 or email the Fundraising Regulator. They also have an online complaints form available on their website.
Procedure for all complaints
All complaints, written or verbal, will be acknowledged in writing within two working days of receipt (unless a full reply can be sent within five working days) by the relevant Department Head. This letter should detail the complaints process.
A full response is made within 20 working days of receipt of the complaint, or where the investigation is still in progress, a letter explaining the reason for the delay and timescale for response is sent to the complainant and a full response made within five days of a conclusion being reached.
Second stage complaints procedure
If the matter cannot be resolved or the explanation given still does not give satisfaction then there is recourse to the Chair of Trustees at Rainbows.
The Chair will assess the information received and be in contact again within 20 working days to inform the complainant of their decision and any subsequent action to be taken. The Chair of Trustees can be contacted through the hospice at Lark Rise by telephone on 01509 638 000 or via email.
The hospice is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC cannot get involved in individual complaints about providers, but is happy to receive information about our service at any time. You can contact the CQC at:
Care Quality Commission National Correspondence
Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne. NE1 4PA
T: 03000 616 161
W: www.cqc.org.uk/contactus.cfmIf the complainant believes that CQC standards have been breached then there is recourse to the CQC.
The CQC will acknowledge the concern in writing within seven days of receiving it and they will explain what will happen next.
The CQC will assess the information received and decide whether the hospice may have committed an offence. They will then be in contact again (usually within 20 working days).
The CQC may also do the following:
- Decide they are not the best organisation to deal with the concern and refer the complainant to the relevant professional body.
- Decide that the hospice has broken one of the regulations and take suitable action (complainant will be informed of action taken).
- Decide that the hospice has not broken the regulations.
The CQC can be contacted via the address, telephone and website shown above.
Comments and concerns
The hospice is always pleased to receive constructive comments or concerns. Issues raised, suggestions made or feedback given to any member of staff in the hospice should be passed on to the relevant head of department or line manager and the necessary action taken.
This procedure can be made available in other languages on request.